Remembering the "Queen of Soul"
Posted on August 16, 2018 at 4:37 PM
Today the world lost an incredible artist long known as the "Queen of Soul," Aretha Franklin.
The security business often leads to work with, for and around famous people. That was the case with Leumas Security Services founder Samuel Griffin. His work led him into Ms. Franklin's space on more than one occasion, so today brought up bittersweet memories.
"The last memory I have," Mr. Griffin said, "was of [Aretha Franklin] hugging me and telling me to have a safe flight."
Mr. Griffin went on to say that it was astonishing how such a big star with the breathtaking talent could be "such a little lady ... and loving towards me." Especially when she did not have to be.
May the Queen rest in peace. May the rest of us continue to celebrate her life, and follow her example as Mr. Griffin experienced her: loving towards others when we don't have to be.
Heartbreak-Free Holidays
Posted on December 1, 2017 at 3:25 PM
“The most wonderful time of the year” can quickly turn tragic. Why? Because it’s so easy for many of us to get caught up in the excitement of holiday decorating, cooking, traveling and gift giving, that we forget our safety basics.
Safety basics this holiday season include:
If people you don’t know start fighting in a store, mall, or club, get as far away from them as you can. Remember: It may be tempting to record them with your cell phone, but even that could put you in danger and the police may want to confiscate your phone to gather evidence.
While shopping, carry your purse close to your body – securely closed, until you need to reach into it – or your wallet inside your coat or front pants pocket.
Be aware of your surroundings. That includes checking inside and around your car before getting in. Have your key and any personal safety device handy.
Don’t buy more than you can carry, and don’t hold your credit card out. Wait until the cashier asks for it.
Don’t leave your car running, with the keys in the ignition, and unlocked – not even for a minute outside your home.
Don’t leave valuables in plain sight in your car.
Practice safe driving. There are many resources to find specific driving tips, and make sure you also keep seasonal driving safety in mind.
Make sure indoor and outdoor decorations are safely displayed, and maintained.
Don’t multi-task your way to a house fire. Set timers and stay focused while cooking.
Practice self-care, too. Manage stress and wash your hands. Who wants to get sick over the holidays? The CDC’s “12 Ways to Health Song” can help you remember some great health/safety basics.
If you can manage to keep safety in mind over the holidays, you are well on your way to doing it through the New Year.
Have a safe, happy and healthy holiday season!
I Love the Night Life
Posted on November 30, 2017 at 9:05 PM
It’s that time of year again: When it gets dark earlier. There are also a lot of activities - parties, sporting events, shopping - that may begin in daylight, and end after dark even though it may not be that late.
nighttime safety tips
This is a great time for a reminder about some basic rules of the road:
Start putting your bright, reflective clothes on earlier in the day. Make sure your children do, too. Afterschool activities that keep young people out until 5:00 p.m. or later weren’t that much of a problem a couple of months ago. They are now. See "Think!": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0c75VKvcsY" target="_blank"
Park and walk in well-lighted areas.
Let people know where you are going, and when you think you will arrive or return.
Walk against traffic, especially if there is no sidewalk or path. This means that you should be facing traffic, unless there is only one sidewalk and it is on the other side of the street. Using the sidewalk or path should always be your first choice.
Make sure your plans include travel time. Don’t ignore the rules of the road, like the speed limit, because you are running late. Slow down. You could get hurt, or hurt someone else. As it gets darker, it may be harder to see. If there is an emergency, you can maintain better control of your vehicle if you are driving more slowly. This includes driving below the speed limit when it is raining or snowing. See "Just Slow Down": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5EyOnccJLg
As you plan to enjoy the many activities coming up this winter, consider ways to make sure everyone gets there, and back home, safely.
Thanksgiving Tripping
Posted on November 21, 2017 at 4:40 PM
AAA expects more than 50 million people to hit the road to celebrate Thanksgiving this year, going 50 miles or more to
spend time with loved ones.
89% of all travelers will be on the road. Are you one of them? If so, don’t be afraid to get back to basics when you, or someone you care about, is behind the wheel:
Don’t let your gas tank get too low, and make sure your car is road ready. For example, make sure you’re not overdue for an oil change, your tires are properly inflated, and your windshield wipers work well.
Pack high protein snacks and water.
Have emergency supplies, like a working flashlight and First Aid kit.
Pay attention to the weather forecast for your destination.
Be well rested and alert.
Buckle up, slow down, don’t drive impaired.
See the full Red Cross list, including tips for travel with pets, here.
Happy Thanksgiving!
When Your Fingers Do The Shopping
Posted on November 15, 2017 at 7:05 PM
As the days are cooling down in most of the U.S., the shopping season is really heating up. Too bad it’s heating up for thieves as well as honest shoppers. That may be especially true online.
online shopping safety
Online shopping is expected to grow this year, and that means the need to stay safe online does, too. The National Crime Prevention Council suggests that you:
*Update your computer’s security software
*Keep your password secure.
*Shop on secure websites.
*Shop with companies you know and trust.
Other online security
https://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/columnist/saltzman/2017/10/28/6-tips-safe-online-shopping/802965001/" target="_blank">experts also suggest making sure sellers on sites like eBay are reputable, and steer clear of public “Hot Spots.”
These days whether you’re buying online or in a bricks and mortar store, smart shoppers still do their homework. Instead of simply considering what to buy, think about where and how to buy it, too.
Gun Safety and Kids
Posted on November 13, 2017 at 7:50 PM
If you are going to buy a weapon, your first step should be into a classroom. Learn how to handle a weapon, and what state laws govern legal ownership.
If you plan to keep the weapon in a home where there are children, take extra precautions. KidsHealth.org suggests talking to your children about gun safety, and the difference between real guns and play.
gun safety, kids gun safety
They also suggest special care, like:
*Take the ammunition out of the gun.
*Lock the gun and keep it out of the reach of kids.
*Lock the ammunition and store it apart from the gun.
*Lock up gun-cleaning supplies, which are often poisonous.
Talking to your children about ways to stay safe, and carefully listening to their concerns, can make a world of difference.
For more information, click here.
It's That Time Of Year Again
Posted on November 3, 2017 at 4:55 PM
personal safety
Most people felt safe while going to concerts, clubs, stores or bike riding. For many people, tragically, that has changed in recent months. Large, news-making events where people have been attacked have a lot of us filled with fear when we even think about being in crowded areas as we head into the holiday season, when it seems like every place is crowded.
But this is also the season when see a rise in the number of everyday crimes. The person who violently attacks another, maybe even someone they supposedly love. The thief who takes advantage of our little lapses in awareness. But here is the bottom line: Even if you locked yourself inside your home all day, every day, you still would not be able to guarantee that you will be 100% safe. Yet you can be safer.
Here are 5 ways to fight fear - and crime - that help keep you, and those you care about, safe:
1. Keep using many of the basics you learned as a child. Examples: Look both ways before you cross the street, buckle your seatbelt, know where the exits are. You may be old enough to talk to strangers, but you're never too old to take time to properly assess them.
2. Lock up before you leave. That means your home, in most communities, as well as your vehicle. And make sure areas where you must enter, exit, walk/bike and park are as well lighted as possible.
3. Don't leave valuables visible in your vehicle, or outside of your residence.
4. Keep your purse and wallet secure. If you are carrying your wallet/money and keys in pockets, make sure the pockets are deep and not easy to reach into. If you carry a purse, make sure it is securely closed and safely carried.
5. Consider a personal emergency alarm, and/or a light, but remember that they do not take the place of good judgement.
Here's wishing you a season of safety that lasts for years to come.
Employees Ripping You Off?
Posted on November 30, 2014 at 6:15 PM
employee theft, customer theft
During the holidays there's a lot of focus on safety for shoppers running around, mindlessly carrying the items they scored as the result of some great sale. Stores are also concerned, hoping those bags don't include something from a "sticky fingers." Some people call it getting a "five finger discount." Often times malls and individual stores hire companies like ours.
But here's something else security personnel can do for a business: help protect it from its own employees.
It's sad to say, but sometimes the thief raiding your company's coffers is an employee. Are customers complaining about odd differences in your prices? Problems keeping expenses like travel in line? Cash registers not adding up?
What you don't know can hurt you. Check out this list of signs that a restaurant employee may be stealing. This list of general employee warning signs includes things like a change in work habits, and missing items.
According to the FBI, employees are also likely to steal data if they have issues with some aspect of the business, organization, or agency.
Ways to protect your business from those hired to help it prosper - employees - include keeping a virtual eye on employees, getting to know your employees, and having an employee tip line.
If you need a company to help you develop a specific strategy for your business, give us a call at 800-372-9391.
tour group safety
What a Trip!
Posted on September 2, 2014 at 10:10 PM
You don’t have to be a serious “leaf peeper” to be thinking about a fall foliage tour. Fall is a great time to take a wide variety of trips with a group, including a tour that can help students get their heads back into the books.
Before your tour bus pulls off, even if it's a school bus, make sure safety is also on board. We trust that you are thinking about safety, but want to make sure you consider some additional points.
*Have your detailed itinerary include the name and mobile number (when applicable) of every person on the trip, and have more than one copy. Handle this information responsibly.
*If a member of the tour group doesn’t have a mobile number, make sure they are partnered with someone who does.
*Have a security person go over the itinerary with you. Security professionals can help you better understand and navigate the tour area/location. When possible, have that security person join you. Depending upon the trip and size of the group, security only costs a few additional dollars per person. The peace of mind is priceless.
*Every moment doesn’t have to be accounted for, but there should be structure. Plan times when everyone should meet at specific locations. No excuses!
*Chaperones must maintain the agreed-upon tour structure. If tour organizers feel that a chaperone is not going to be able to do this, that person should be given another duty. Non-compliance is not acceptable.
*Tour organizers should have a plan in place for participants who do not comply with the tour guidelines.
*Tour organizers should have a plan in place for medical and other emergencies.
You want everyone to say “What a trip!” when they get home, and mean it in the best way possible.
What Clients Say-Kena Conference Center
Posted on August 29, 2014 at 7:30 PM
We are proud to serve the Kena Conference Center in Northern Virginia, and thank Dr. Alex Cullison for his support.
Here is the letter we received from him today:
Kena Conference Center has been employing the security officers of Leumas Security Services for a year now.
We have found the officers to be well-trained, professional and punctual. The company provides excellent service at a competitive rate.
They are service orientated and communicate meaningfully and productively with their clients.
We recommend Leumas for all the types of services they perform in the security industry.
-Dr. Alex Cullison, Rental Agent
"Do's" To Help You Do For Others
Posted on August 27, 2014 at 11:05 PM
There has been a lot of attention on law enforcement in recent weeks, and rightfully so. Law enforcement and private security professionals have the high calling of keeping people safe. Lives are always, literally, in our hands.
But they are human hands. They also require care. We encourage security professionals to take care of themselves. It is impossible to effectively care for anyone else if your needs are consistently unmet. That’s true in and out of uniform.
self-care tips for security pros
We encourage you to do what’s right, for yourself and those you are supposed to “serve and protect.” Don’t wait on official requirements.
*Make sure you feel appropriately trained. If you feel as if you need more or additional training, especially regarding talking in ways that cool tense situations, ask for it. We get the pride thing, but that’s what comes before the fall.
*Get to know those you serve. If you live outside of the community, try to spend some time there not being Mr. or Ms. Law-and-Order. Or, while working, be open to learning about them as people first, not crime stats waiting to happen.
*If there are obvious problems with diversity and/or lack of community representation, address them. Support leadership in efforts to fix them.
*Watch your stress level. It’s a stressful profession. It’s easy to get “help” from drugs, alcohol, risky sex, food, crazy spending, whatever. You might not even know that the stress is keeping this stuff going in your life. If you can’t stop doing anything on this list for a couple of days, you may have a problem. Get help. Talk to someone, and not one of the people you do that stuff with.
*Make sure there is random drug testing, and make sure that you always pass.
*Check yourself. Are you in this business because you truly want to serve the community, and keep people safe, or does the uniform make you feel big after a lifetime of feeling small? What better way to cover a self-esteem problem than to become the bully, and licensed for it? If you don’t want to protect others from the bullies of the world, maybe you need to take a break. Maybe permanently.
*Make sure you are well rested. If you have a lot of trouble sleeping, get professional help.
*Spend time with people who love you.
*Consider spiritual support. If you are a member of a religious or spiritual community, find out if there are ways you can get additional support there. Your “spirit” can also be fed through practices such as Tai Chi, yoga or meditation.
*Make time for fun. If you don’t have a safe, sane hobby, experiment with some activities. Pull out that old musical instrument, old toolbox or old car and live it up.
Yes, live. We want law enforcement and security professionals to live as much as we want people who encounter them to live. We believe that security and law enforcement personnel can, and should, be part of the solution to problems in every community. We understand that there will be times when the worst will happen, but we “keep hope alive” that they will become rare.